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Altgens6 / Wiegman composite ( Credit : Allan Eaglesham )9796 views

Walter Cronkite on CBS 6:30pm evening news showing Altgens 64300 views

alt5Groden.jpg8245 views

Alt6Groden_CropUnger LARGE7782 views

Follow up car "Annotation"2033 views

Alt7crop.jpg6487 views

Alt8TraskUnger LARGE7536 views

Altgens Photo sent to AP subscribers worldwide at 12:55 6613 views

3004 views Altgens ( No More Silence ) part 1 Credit: Larry Sneed
Altgens Quote: Re - Altgen's 6 photo
I got a phone call, it was on a Sunday, and this man identified himself as Lovelady.
the very guy that's pictured in that particular picture.
Lovelady called me, and he was telling me that he would like to have a print of the
picture that showed him on the step of the School Book Depository

Altgens ( No More Silence ) part 2 Credit: Larry Sneed2863 views

3505 viewsJames W. Altgens, Associated Press Wirephoto operator-photographer, who made the photos of the assassination of President Kennedy, is shown in Dallas, Dec. 3, 1963. Altgens holds the camera which which he recorded the event.

Altgens5Unger7077 views