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Mrs Cabell1526 views
Dallas Times Herald.955 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. This image shows the president's casket being placed in an Oneal Funeral Home hearse parked at the emergency entrance of Parkland Hospital. Jacqueline Kennedy can be seen in the middle of the crowd at the back of the hearse. Mrs. Kennedy rode to Love Field airport in the hearse with the casket. Assistant White House Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff is visible at the left edge of the photo, with a cigarette in his mouth.
Dallas Times Herald.1079 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows an unidentified Dallas Police detective speaking with hospital staff at Parkland Hospital after the arrival of Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963.
Dallas Times Herald.902 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows a casket from the Oneal Funeral Home being delivered to Parkland Hospital. Oneal driver Aubrey Rike (with dark hair) assists, followed by Dallas Morning News columnist Tony Zoppi (in dark suit). Oneal attendant Dennis "Peanuts" McGuire stands behind Zoppi.
Dallas Times Herald.1028 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows a group of Secret Service agents and police officers standing beside the presidential limousine outside the emergency entrance to Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. The hard top has been put on the convertible limousine.
Dallas Times Herald.1415 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by an unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows the president's convertible limousine parked outside the emergency entrance to Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. The top has been put on.
Dallas Times Herald.894 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. This image shows a crowd outside Parkland Hospital awaiting news.
Dallas Times Herald.953 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry standing beside an unidentified police officer outside of Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. The top has been put on the presidential limousine, seen in the background. The man at the right edge of the photo is Tom Wicker, a New York Times reporter.
Dallas Times Herald.994 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by an unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows a Secret Service agent outside the emergency entrance to Parkland Hospital. Behind him is a white car with lights on the roof and a corner of the presidential limousine. In the background, a crowd waits for news.
Dallas Times Herald.944 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows the crowd and hospital staff outside Parkland Hospital waiting to hear news of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. A police officer is visible in the foreground.
Dallas Times Herald.858 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. This image shows patients, non-patients and hospital staff waiting outside Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963.
Parkland Hospital November 24, 1963 ( this image appears to show Altgen's on the far left )1226 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows a group of reporters and photographers gathered at a nurses station at Parkland Hospital after the arrival of Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963. A small group of police officers is also visible in this image. A sign on the door in the background says "Blood saves lives."
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