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Scan1 Robert Cutler's book The Umbrella Man, published in 1975 showing diagram of the 2nd floor Dal-Tex Building Credit: Bruce Kelly 1219 views
Scan2 Robert Cutler's book The Umbrella Man, published in 1975 showing diagram of the 2nd floor Dal-Tex Building Credit: Bruce Kelly 1137 views
Close-up airview of Dealey Plaza and Texas School Book Depository building on Elm St., Dallas, following assassination of John F. Kennedy, 11/22/1963770 views
2993 views Altgens ( No More Silence ) part 1 Credit: Larry Sneed
Altgens Quote: Re - Altgen's 6 photo
I got a phone call, it was on a Sunday, and this man identified himself as Lovelady.
the very guy that's pictured in that particular picture.
Lovelady called me, and he was telling me that he would like to have a print of the
picture that showed him on the step of the School Book Depository
File - HSCA_Volume_VI__P287.jpg975 viewsLovelady later explained that when he was interviewed and photographed by the FBI, he had not been told to wear the same shirt he had worn on the day of the assassination and that, in fact, he had been wearing a long-sleeved, plaid shirt when he was standing in the Texas School Book Depository doorway
Photographer: Jim Walker Credit 6th floor museum983 viewsBlack and white photograph of the Texas School Book Depository taken hours after the assassination. The photographer stood on the south side of Dealey Plaza, looking north. According to the clock on the Hertz sign on top of the building, this picture was taken at 2:57 p.m. The photographer used a blue-ink pen to indicate the southeast corner window on the sixth floor.
Photographer: Dallas County Sheriff's Department647 viewsBlack and white 4x5" negative showing the main entrance to the Texas School Book Depository. Taken by the Dallas County Sheriff's Department two weeks after the assassination
Photographer: Dallas County Sheriff's Department1010 viewsBlack and white 4x5" negative of the south face of the Texas School Book Depository from a vantage in Dealey Plaza; the Hertz sign is visible atop the building. Taken by the Dallas County Sheriff's Department two weeks after the assassination.
Stemmons Freeway photographer locations739 viewsCredit to original source:
Lee Harvey Oswald's Alleged Escape Route From The Texas School Book Depository879 views
Allen Large2851 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer William Allen. This image shows Dallas Police Detectives Leslie Montgomery and Marvin Johnson on the steps of the Texas School Book Depository with a long paper bag and Dr. Pepper bottle that were found on the building's sixth floor on November 22, 1963
Allen Large2879 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer William Allen. This image shows Dallas Police Detectives Leslie Montgomery and Marvin Johnson on the steps of the Texas School Book Depository with a long paper bag and Dr. Pepper bottle that were found on the building's sixth floor on November 22, 1963. Dallas Times Herald reporter Darwin Payne is located on the right in the image.