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Clint Hill on the back of limo2626 views

Clint Hill on the back of limo2722 views

Clint Hill and his wife Gwen talking to Mike Wallace " 60 Minutes" Credit: Sean Kneringer1443 views

Altgens 6 8 x 10' Glossy ( Ebay Purchase signed by Clint Hill ) Credit: R.Unger3861 views

Clint Hill2732 views


Darryl Heikes photo1606 viewsOriginal 35mm black and white negative taken by Dallas Times Herald and United Press International newspaper photographer Darryl Heikes showing the presidential motorcade turning from Harwood street onto Main street in downtown Dallas. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, assigned to Jacqueline Kennedy, occasionally rode on the rear bumper of the president's car, as seen in this image, when the crowds grew heavy.



Frame showing Clint Hill Running / Dave Powers standing up Filming ?1929 views

Photograph taken by Dallas resident Lovita Irby on the set of Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" in Dealey Plaza. The photograph shows Detective James "Jim" Leavelle with assassination eyewitness Jean Hill in Dealey Plaza. Elm Street and t1021 viewsCredit: 6th floor museum

552 viewsKN-26732. Secret Service Agent, Clint Hill
Accession Number
Date(s) of Materials
14 February 1963
White House Secret Service agent, Clint Hill, sits at his desk in the Map Room of the White House, Washington, D.C.
Credit Line
Robert Knudsen. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston