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Martin Stabilized GIF angle adjusted1338 views
JFK Autopsy BE2_HI_Crop.jpg6449 viewsIt appears to me that the damage was done to the " TOP " of the skull, which extended across to the right side, just above the ear.

Composite image showing the section of the wall seen in the Croft photo.2271 viewsCroft Composite

this is the footpath area where the croft ladies were standing.
Note the small "curved section of concrete island" seen in the bottom right hand corner of the Croft image
just behind the old man' s feet
Life_Betz-Willis_Comp.jpg3783 viewsBetzner 3 and Willis 5
appear to have almost IDENTICAL Timelines
Willis 5 angle adjusted (4)-degrees Anti Clockwise
Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine Customization, Testing Adjustable Hydraulic Seat, 1961589 viewsThe Hess & Eisenhardt Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, transformed a stock 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible into the presidential limousine. Among the unique modifications was a hydraulic lift installed on the rear seat. At the touch of a button, the president could raise the seat 10 1/2 inches to make himself and his passengers more visible to crowds watching the limousine pass.
President Kennedy and Emperor Haile Selassie in the 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine, Washington, D.C., 1963836 viewsForeign policy was an outstanding aspect of John F. Kennedy's Cold War administration. Amid global political and military tensions, the president hosted many foreign leaders. This photograph, taken just six weeks before Kennedy was assassinated, shows a parade for Ethiopian emperor Hail Selassie I. The two statesmen met in October 1963 to discuss their nations' relationship and mutual concerns.
Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine Customization, Adjustable Hydraulic Seat, 1961574 viewsThe Hess & Eisenhardt Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, transformed a stock 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible into the presidential limousine. Among the unique modifications was a hydraulic lift installed on the rear seat. At the touch of a button, the president could raise the seat 10 1/2 inches to make himself and his passengers more visible to crowds watching the limousine pass.
JFK Quote Just A Few Hours Before His Death478 views
Towner angle adjustment ( 4 -degree Anti Clockwise )1165 views
willis06Crop_angle_adjusted2806 views
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