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http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/shaw/index.php?id=854952089 viewsFilm canisters of 35mm film taken of the surgery / Autopsy of Lee Harvey Oswald by Dr. Karl Dockery. The undeveloped film was in the possession of Jack Price until it was given to Gary Shaw in 2004. The film was subsequently developed.

Oswald Materials


Around 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 2004, Gary Shaw received a call from Jack Price, Parkland Hospital administrator at the time President Kennedy was assassinated, asking if he could come visit.When he arrived, he gave nine rolls of undeveloped film to Shaw that had been taken during the Lee Harvey Oswald Surgery / autopsy at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963. The items listed here chronicle the development of the film after being in storage for forty years. Unfortunately, because of the time factor, most of the film was ruined. A few of the photos taken in surgery are shown here

Dr. Karl Dockery's film of Lee Harvey Oswald's surgery at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963 and the disposition of the film by Mr. C. J. Price, Parkland administrator.
http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/shaw/index.php?id=854952035 viewsFilm canisters of 35mm film taken of surgery / Autopsy of Lee Harvey Oswald by Dr. Karl Dockery. The undeveloped film was in the possession of Jack Price until it was given to Gary Shaw in 2004. The film was subsequently developed.

35mm film negatives, nine rolls

Oswald Materials


Around 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 2004, Gary Shaw received a call from Jack Price, Parkland Hospital administrator at the time President Kennedy was assassinated, asking if he could come visit.When he arrived, he gave nine rolls of undeveloped film to Shaw that had been taken during the Lee Harvey Oswald Surgery / autopsy at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963. The items listed here chronicle the development of the film after being in storage for forty years. Unfortunately, because of the time factor, most of the film was ruined. A few of the photos taken in surgery are shown here

Dr. Karl Dockery's film of Lee Harvey Oswald's surgery at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963 and the disposition of the film by Mr. C. J. Price, Parkland administrator.
http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/shaw/index.php?id=854952693 viewsOswald Materials


Around 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 2004, Gary Shaw received a call from Jack Price, Parkland Hospital administrator at the time President Kennedy was assassinated, asking if he could come visit.When he arrived, he gave nine rolls of undeveloped film to Shaw that had been taken during the Lee Harvey Oswald Surgery / autopsy at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963. The items listed here chronicle the development of the film after being in storage for forty years. Unfortunately, because of the time factor, most of the film was ruined. A few of the photos taken in surgery are shown here

Dr. Karl Dockery's film of Lee Harvey Oswald's surgery at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963 and the disposition of the film by Mr. C. J. Price, Parkland administrator.
http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/shaw/index.php?id=854953238 viewsOswald Materials


Around 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 2004, Gary Shaw received a call from Jack Price, Parkland Hospital administrator at the time President Kennedy was assassinated, asking if he could come visit.When he arrived, he gave nine rolls of undeveloped film to Shaw that had been taken during the Lee Harvey Oswald Surgery / autopsy at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963. The items listed here chronicle the development of the film after being in storage for forty years. Unfortunately, because of the time factor, most of the film was ruined. A few of the photos taken in surgery are shown here

Dr. Karl Dockery's film of Lee Harvey Oswald's surgery at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963 and the disposition of the film by Mr. C. J. Price, Parkland administrator.
http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/shaw/index.php?id=854953552 viewsOswald Materials


Around 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 2004, Gary Shaw received a call from Jack Price, Parkland Hospital administrator at the time President Kennedy was assassinated, asking if he could come visit.When he arrived, he gave nine rolls of undeveloped film to Shaw that had been taken during the Lee Harvey Oswald Surgery / autopsy at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963. The items listed here chronicle the development of the film after being in storage for forty years. Unfortunately, because of the time factor, most of the film was ruined. A few of the photos taken in surgery are shown here

Dr. Karl Dockery's film of Lee Harvey Oswald's surgery at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963 and the disposition of the film by Mr. C. J. Price, Parkland administrator.
http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/shaw/index.php?id=854953693 viewsOswald Materials


Around 9:00 a.m. on January 5, 2004, Gary Shaw received a call from Jack Price, Parkland Hospital administrator at the time President Kennedy was assassinated, asking if he could come visit.When he arrived, he gave nine rolls of undeveloped film to Shaw that had been taken during the Lee Harvey Oswald Surgery / autopsy at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963. The items listed here chronicle the development of the film after being in storage for forty years. Unfortunately, because of the time factor, most of the film was ruined. A few of the photos taken in surgery are shown here

Dr. Karl Dockery's film of Lee Harvey Oswald's surgery at Parkland Hospital on November 24, 1963 and the disposition of the film by Mr. C. J. Price, Parkland administrator.
3506 viewsJames W. Altgens, Associated Press Wirephoto operator-photographer, who made the photos of the assassination of President Kennedy, is shown in Dallas, Dec. 3, 1963. Altgens holds the camera which which he recorded the event.
721 viewsQuote: The blood-stained shirt worn by Texas Gov. John Connally
on the day gunfire wounded him and killed President
John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963,
is pictured at the Texas State Library and Archives
Commission in Austin, Texas on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013
.Bullet holes are seen around the bottom right sleeve and cuff,
front right chest and back right shoulder.
1398 viewsOne local resident who added to the assassination literature was John E. Miller who took photos of the arrival of President and Mrs. Kennedy at Love Field and then apparently hot-footed it over to Parkland when the news of the shooting broke. These photos were issued as postcards in 1964 in a packet of 12.
Darryl Heikes photo1606 viewsOriginal 35mm black and white negative taken by Dallas Times Herald and United Press International newspaper photographer Darryl Heikes showing the presidential motorcade turning from Harwood street onto Main street in downtown Dallas. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, assigned to Jacqueline Kennedy, occasionally rode on the rear bumper of the president's car, as seen in this image, when the crowds grew heavy.
Photograph taken by Dallas resident Lovita Irby during the filming of Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" in Dealey Plaza. The photograph shows actors playing President Kennedy (Steve Reed), Jacqueline Kennedy (Jodie Farber), Governor John Connally (1612 views( Credit: 6th floor museum )
Photographer: Jim Walker Credit: 6th floor museum815 viewsBlack and white photograph of the pilot car for the Kennedy motorcade in Dallas.

This vehicle was the pilot car for the motorcade. It was a white Ford sedan driven by Dallas Police Deputy Chief George L. Lumpkin. Other occupants included Dallas homicide detectives Billy L. Senkel and F.M. Turner and Army Lt. Col. George Whitmeyer, commander of the local Army reserve unit.

The pilot car drove ahead of the motorcade, behind a group of motorcycle officers. Sheriff Bill Decker rode in the next car, driven by Chief Jesse Curry. Including the leading group of motorcycles, the president's limousine was actually number 6 in the motorcade.
94 files on 8 page(s) 1