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Photographer: Jim Walker Credit 6th floor museum983 viewsBlack and white photograph of the Texas School Book Depository taken hours after the assassination. The photographer stood on the south side of Dealey Plaza, looking north. According to the clock on the Hertz sign on top of the building, this picture was taken at 2:57 p.m. The photographer used a blue-ink pen to indicate the southeast corner window on the sixth floor.
Motorcycles used in Motorcade Re-Enactment1271 views
Model Of Dealey Plaza Used By The Warren Commission709 views
Allen Large2550 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer William Allen. This image shows Dallas Police officers on the northeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. Police officers have used rope and vehicles to separate the crowd from the building.
1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine Air Conditioning Unit after "Quick Fix," 1964679 viewsAfter President John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963, the Hess & Eisenhardt Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, rebuilt the 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine into an armored car. The car's permanent top, fitted with several large bullet-resistant windows, caused the interior to get quite warm. An auxiliary air conditioning unit, installed in the trunk, helped keep temperatures comfortable.
Allen Large2508 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer William Allen. This image shows Dallas Police Lieutenant J.C. "Carl" Day pointing to the area near the northwest corner of the Texas School Book Depository's sixth floor where Dallas Sheriff's deputies found the rifle used in the Kennedy assassination. The rifle had been hidden between some boxes. Lt. Day was head of the Dallas Police Crime Scene Search Unit responsible for the forensic investigation of physical evidence.
Allen Large2566 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer William Allen Friday afternoon after the assassination. This image shows a crowd gathered at the southeast corner of Elm and Houston streets at approximately 1 p.m. Police have used thick rope to keep the crowd on the sidewalk and out of the intersection. The front row of the crowd appears to consist mainly of school-age young people
Allen Large2409 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer William Allen. This image shows Dallas Police Lieutenant, J.C. "Carl" Day, pointing to the area near the northwest corner of the Texas School Book Depository's sixth floor where Dallas Sheriff's deputies found the rifle used in the Kennedy assassination. The rifle had been hidden between some boxes. Lt. Day was head of the Dallas Police Crime Scene Search Unit responsible for the forensic investigation of physical evidence.
Dallas Times Herald.879 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer showing the pilot car from the Kennedy motorcade, driven by Dallas Police Deputy Chief George L. Lumpkin, at Parkland Hospital. The other men inside are unidentified. This is the car that was used to drive Lyndon Johnson from Parkland Hospital back to Love Field.
Ballistics Test on Glass Used for the 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine "Quick Fix," 1964665 viewsAfter President John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963, the Hess & Eisenhardt Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, rebuilt the 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine into an armored car. The most obvious change was the addition of a permanent top. The bullet-resistant windows, produced by Pittsburgh Plate Glass, included up to five layers of glass sandwiched with polycarbonate vinyl.
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