Search results - "zapruder" |
Large zapruder frame ( Credit: Newsweek )928 views
Zapruder GIF Camera Movement Stabilized ( Credit: Rick Needham /Robin Unger )1884 views
Bond / Light Post / Zapruder Pedestal Alignment1957 views
Young couple and the man who tips his hat in Zapruder seen in Dorman1246 views
Greers head turns in Zapruder frames695 views
Zapruder spectators in Altgens2810 views
This image is very similar to the line of site seen in the Zapruder frames, showing Sitzman and the hesters 807 views
Zapruder Life Magazine 1 LARGE1042 views
Zapruder Life Magazine 2 LARGE990 views
Jay Watson interviewing Abraham Zapruder 2 hrs after the assassination.492 views
Life damaged Zapruder frames818 views
Dallas Times Herald.863 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by an unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows the first Secret Service reenactment the assassination of President Kennedy on the afternoon of November 27, 1963. A light-colored convertible representing the presidential limousine passes in front of the north pergola of Dealey Plaza as it travels down Elm Street. Two men in the convertible are filming the car's progress as it moves down the street. A third man with a camera can be seen in the background, standing on the same plinth where Abraham Zapruder stood when he filmed the assassination.